Food City Weekly Ad

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Check out the Food City Weekly Ad on this page every week to make sure you have seen the best deal and the Food City coupon for the product you wanna buy. Through the weekly ads,  you will get information on savings and rewards, recipes, and special offers. Just like other major stores, they have digital coupons you can clip to save more. Food City Ad advertises the popular items at more affordable prices.

Food City Coupons

Customers can also reduce the costs with digital coupons at Food City. Some coupons have limits up to 5 times. Some can only be used 2 times. Food City Coupons can be seen on weekly ads but they don’t advertise all of them. Go to the official website and tap on coupons to see all the available ones. You can use 5x coupons and see the expiration dates with ease there. Use the Food City Ad to discover deals like multiple-buy savings, BOGOs, and weekly discounts.

Rewards, ValuCard, Fuel Bucks, Savings Club

You can use digital coupons to save more but every major store have loyalty clubs. Earn rewards with your ValuCard at Food City stores. ValuCard holders can get special pricing and digital coupons, too.

It is possible to save on fuel, too. as you shop grocery products at this store, you will be able to get fuel bucks if you sign up for the program. These rewards can be redeemed at Food City Gas ‘N Go fuel center. But you need to have ValuCard to earn them. If you redeem 150 fuel bucks, you will be able to save $.15 off per gallon.

Get exclusive discounts when you sign up for saving clubs like Pet Club, Baby Club, Kid’s Club, Wellness Club at Food City.

Food City Products

Buy snacks, grocery, fresh food, seafood, meat, snacks, pantry food, household supplies, and more with the circular sale discounts. During the holiday season, you can find a great deal on turkey, ham, and other Thanksgiving foods we all love. Easter, Christmas, and other important days are times when Food City offers specials.

Moreover, they have their own brands. If you are an experienced deal hunter, you must know the importance of shopping market brand products. Food City Premium, Fresh, 500, ShortCuts, Food Club, Simply Done, TopCare health, and more brands are Food City’s own brands. There are many of them. Use them to maximize your savings.

Food City Locations

Food City operates with 123 stores in Kentucky, Georgia, Virginia, and Tennessee. This is a store owned by K-VA-T food stores that are mainly supermarkets retailing general weekly supplies.