Avon Campaign 12 2020

Avon Campaign 12 2020 is available to check out now! Many special opportunities and fabulous product selections can be browsable here. Personal care products, haircare, fragrances, makeup, and many essentials are waiting for you! Moreover, most of them are on sale now! By the way, in this article, you will see some information about manicure.

Today, we share some information about Home Manicure Guide for Well-groomed Hands with Avon Catalog 12 2020. Use some of the time you allocate to your skincare, hair, and makeup for your hands. Your nail care will be more hygienic, faster, and virtually therapy effective. We explained the tricks of a manicure at home step by step.


Start manicuring by putting a moisturizing glove on your hands where you remove the old nail polish and clean and dry it. This step, which softens cuticles as much as water, will also care for your dry skin and nails.


Prefer wooden manicure sticks rather than metal products to clean your cuticles and nail surface. Push the softened meat back with the flat end of the stick and lift it with the pointed end.


Excessive and unconscious cuticles cause both a neglected appearance and permanent manicures. Cuticle cleansing products are a real helper if you’re not used to using cuticle scissors. Gently scrape and clean the product with your cuticles with the help of your cuticle sticks. At this stage, you can carefully remove any excess that catches your eye with scissors.


It’s time to shape. If you are not accustomed to filing your own nail, stop using metal or paper files. You can easily wear or break your nails while using these products. Get it from glass rasp, which is very effective in nail shaping and which does the least damage to the nail. Bring your nails to the form you want with a one-way application, not right or left.


After the forming process is over, it is the most fun part! After applying protective and nourishing nail polish on the first layer, color your nails with a nail polish you want. Do not forget to cover your nail tips for high permanence while applying nail polish. Do not forget to use topcoat for fast drying and durability.


After applying the topcoat and your nail polish is a bit dry, be sure to care for your cuticles. This step will pamper the cuticles tired throughout the manicure. You can apply vitamin-supported cuticle oils daily until your next manicure. This step, which extends the length of your manicure by keeping the cuticles well maintained, also helps the nails to grow and strengthen quickly.

Here is a home manicure guide for well-groomed hands with Avon Campaign 12 2020. Also, if you want to check more Avon Products and deals, you can follow us on Facebook!