Coronavirus Doesn’t Like Strong Bodies

From the coronavirus (COVID-19), we can be largely protected by a mask, hygiene, and social distance. However, the fact that our immune system is strong is also very important in combating the disease. In these days when coronavirus (COVID-19) is most effective, we wanted to remind us about the nutritional habits we should spread throughout our lives. It is important to protect from coronavirus, but this may not be possible only by washing our hands and wearing masks. Of course, hygiene and mask protection is vital, but increasing our immunity should also be on our agenda.

We must take care to consume foods that are strong in terms of vitamin D, iron, zinc, and B12. It is the trick that we consume these foods in certain doses and in a balanced way every day. Balancing the consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables is one of the healthiest first steps to take, but there is more than that.

Some Important Decisions

Whatever we eat, we can not feel the positive effects of the food ingredients at the highest level after removing the processed sugar from our lives, not sufficiently in contact with the sun and consuming two liters of water a day. It is useful to add that we are not talking about the water in tea or coffee. Nothing replaces the water needed to remove toxins from the body. The issue of water comes up everywhere, and we proceed by assuming that most of us know its importance, and we immediately begin to put the essentials in jars. The first is flaxseed, which works miracles with a single spoon every day. This must be located next to almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts as an omega-3 tank antioxidant. Vitamin E deficiency should not be out of this way.

What Vitamins Should You Take?

Like vitamin E, vitamin A is directly related to the immune system. Beta carotenes such as broccoli, carrot, leek, tomato, squash, and spinach are included in this group. The vitamin C group, which is a little better known to everyone, includes parsley, rosehip, kiwi, artichoke, orange, grapefruit, strawberry and green pepper. We need to consume five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. This means that our need for vitamins A, C, and E, fiber, folic acid, selenium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium will be met to a large extent.

Why Should I Avoid Wrong Diets?

Diets made at the wrong time and at the wrong time can also cause the immune system to weaken. So what’s wrong? Not getting the nutrients needed by the body in a balanced way and focusing only on the small amount. So, make a little more room for olives for breakfast, start cooking vegetable soups, squeeze lemons in salads with red pepper (capia pepper), walnuts and parsley, keep in mind that at least two portions of fruit should be eaten a day.

The world of vegans and vegetarians

If you are vegan or vegetarian, you should know how to remove protein and B12 deficiency in your body right after this decision. In particular, vegans should take B12 supplements regularly, and they should be very good with cereals. Vegetarians solve this gap more easily with animal foods such as eggs and cheese. Those who do not eat meat are more conscious that they should consume cereals, carbohydrates, and vitamins together. For those who eat meat, what they need to do is to make equal room for vegetables in their plates besides meat.

Successfully Suppressing Toughness

Protein-strong almonds, peanuts and pumpkin seeds, vitamin masterpieces, dried apricots and blueberries, a low-sugar antioxidant, are among the nutrients we should have. Suppressing our hunger with these miraculous foods will also support the strengthening of our immune system against to coronavirus.

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