How To Fight Dry Skin During Quarantine!

Today’s topic is about how to fight dry skin during quarantine with Avon Campaign 1 2021! Almost everyone isolates or quarantines themselves due to the coronavirus. Those who have to go out by paying attention to social distance spend more time at home than before. In this process, our skin is trying to adapt to the new order along with us. Our skin gets dry during our stay at home.


As a result of more frequent hand washing and using more cologne, our hands have become dry. Now, this dryness can also affect our face. Excessive hand washing and the use of cologne can damage the protective layer of the skin, increasing dehydration, and as a result, your hands may dry out. After washing our hands, we must use a moisturizer. Even after washing our hands, we can use moisturizing cream without drying it completely. This will increase the effectiveness of the cream by trapping the moisture inside. You can find moisturizer suitable for every skin at Avon Catalog 1 2021. Browse it in detail and get your needs at low prices!

Dry air indoors causes our skin to dry! In order to prevent this situation, we need to ventilate the room we are infrequently and use a more moisturizing cream on our skin during the day. People who used moisturizer twice a day before can use moisturizing cream 4-5 times a day during the quarantine period. When choosing the creams we will use, it is recommended to prefer products with hyaluronic acid in their content due to their intense water retention feature.

Protecting Your Skin in Quarantine;

Use moisturizing cream after washing your hands.
Moisturize your face 4-5 times a day.
Do less makeup
Do not peel or mask more than 2 times a week.
Do not take a bath with very hot water
Drink more water.

Here are how to fight dry skin during quarantine with Avon Brochure 1 2021. If you want to see more Avon Products and beauty tips, you should take a look at the home page. Also, follow us on Youtube and be the first who views the latest Avon Catalog in the US!