Walgreens Weekly Ad Coupons Jul 12 – Jul 18 2015
Check out latest offers by Walgreens Weekly Ad ! The paperless coupons valid between Jul 12 – Jul 18 are viewable on pg 2 where a lot of products are present. Generally snacks, chocolates, soda, household items are featured on Walgreens Weekly Ad coupons currently viewable on the preview page. Great selection of products are on sale until tomorrow ! Don’t miss out anything at Walgreens Ad. Some of the products of Walgreens Weekly Ad Coupons Jul 12:
- Nice! frozen meal favorites BOGO 50% off pg 2
- Nabisco cookies or crackers.
- Chocolate or Candy 2 for $7
- Hershey’s candy king size 3 for $4
- Peanut butter or Fruit spread 2 for $4
- M&M’s 2 for $3
- Kellogg’s cereal or pop-tarts 2 for $4
- Wexford School Glue 4 oz. $0.69 pg 3
- Wexford school supplies $0.49
- Chicken of the sea pink salmon $2.79
- 2 L 7UP – Dr. Pepper $1
- Starbucks coffee $6.99
- Raid insect control $3.69
Also see special deals of products like fans, notebooks, backpacks for school. These are BOGO free deals of Walgreens Ad. See prices of these products on pg 3.
Products are not limited to these. See also:
- Personal care items like shampoo, conditioner, hair and skin care products on pg 4-5.
- Pharmacy products like allergy relief, strength pills, on pg 6-7.
- Cereals, coffee, chocolate, paper towels, vitamins and supplements, Revlon cosmetics on pg 8.
Learn details about the products of Walgreens Ad and for the future weekly ads you can follow our next post.