The important thing about the reviews this week is the subject of finding good prices both for food and Halloween treats. Candy offers, costumes, masks, Halloween decor and regular food range of Walgreens Ad can be found in this post. A nice list of products may help you about saving. Save more and get higher quality with Walgreens and other ads which you can see in the list of categories available in the main page.
Halloween candies, costumes and treats are discount products on pg 1. Check out 5x everday points on the same page. You can win more with Walgreens. Check out prices and categories of the products :
- HALLOWEEN TREATS and costumes and great discounts on these new items ON PG 1
- COUPON DEALS for pantry products and some snacks including beverage brands ON PG 2
- SNACKS featuring favorite brands like Snickers, Candy or Gum, cheez-it, Lindt chocolate bars, Dove chocolate ON PG 3
- SCARY DEALS Walgreens special offers, accessories and decor products ON PG 4
- HOUSEHOLD AND essentials featuring Energizer batteries, tape, pilot G2, DVDs, Sandisk 16 GB ON PG 5
- HALF PRICE PRODUCTS featuring eye cosmetics, beauty products, Revlon cosmetics and more ON PG 6
- PERSONAL CARE PRODUCTS like Colgate, conair, playtex and more favorites ON PG 7