Buy your fresh products at Walmart and get a 100% money-back guarantee. Everyday low prices are promoted with the seasonal fruits and fresh vegetables on pg 2. Cantaloupe, fresh strawberries, onions, russet potatoes, asparagus, sweet potatoes will be on sale at Walmart. You can buy delicious shrimp tray, freshness guaranteed angel food cake, marketside organic brown eggs, whole chicken twin pack, and more products. Fill your pantry shelves with delicious foods. Some sweets for celebration, cookie platter, apple pie, and more are also interesting products on Walmart Ad. Breakfast products of Walmart grocery sale Mar 27 – Apr 12 are fruit bowl, Greek yogurt, triple-filled danish, Nancy’s petite quiche, Great Value original syrup, and more on pg 4.
Make your meals with the top quality ingredients. At lower costs you can have some enjoyable foods at home. Snacks like Doritos chips, hamburger buns, beef burgers, broccoli, and more things are available at Walmart for a good price. Good old style American ready meals, mashed potatoes, banquet mega bowls fried chicken meal will be sold for the prices shown on pg 6.
Pie and cake:
- Marie Callender’s Dutch Apple Pie $5.97 pg 3
- Freshness Guaranteed Carrot Cake in-store
- Marketside Half & Half Apple Pie $9.98
Breakfast products:
- Great Value Berry Medley $1.98 pg 4
- Nancy’s Petite Quiche in-store
- Fruit Bowl $8.98
- Nestle Coffee-mate French Vanilla Creamer
- Great Value Original Syrup
Burger and snacks:
- Bacon & Cheddar Ground Beef Burgers
- Ball Park Hamburger Buns
- Broccoli Florets $2.58
- Vegetable Tray with Ranch Dip $9.98
Ready Meals: